

First name and surname e-mail phone room #
Head of Department prof. Ing. Josef Jablonský, CSc. 5403 NB 437
Deputy Head of Department prof. Ing. Mgr. Martin Dlouhý, Dr., MSc. 5448 NB 434
prof. RNDr. Ing. Petr Fiala, CSc., MBA 5447 NB 435
Executive Secretary Ing. Adam Borovička, Ph.D. 5447 NB 435
Secretary Marcela Vojáčková 5423 NB 436
Professors prof. RNDr. Ing. Michal Černý, Ph.D. 5444 NB 430
prof. RNDr. Jan Pelikán, CSc. 5444 NB 430
Docents doc. Ing. Jan Fábry, Ph.D. 5448 NB 434
doc. Ing. Tomáš Formánek, Ph.D. 5450 NB 432
doc. Ing. Jan Zouhar, Ph.D. 5443 NB 431
Lecturers Ing. Šárka Čížková, Ph.D. 5380 NB 380
Mgr. Ing. Lukáš Frýd, Ph.D. 5380 NB 380
Mgr. Vladimír Holý, Ph.D. 5443 NB 431
Ing. Martina Kuncová, Ph.D. 5449 NB 433
Ing. Miroslav Rada, Ph.D. 5159 NB 130
Mgr. Jana Sekničková, Ph.D. 5449 NB 433
Ing. Veronika Skočdopolová, Ph.D. 5729 NB 166
Ing. Ondřej Sokol, Ph.D. 5443 NB 431
Ing. Petra Tomanová, MSc. 5445 NB 429
Ing. Martina Zouharová 5380 NB 380
Ing. Bc. Petra Zýková, Ph.D. 5449 NB 433
External Teachers Ing. Jan Melechovský, Ph.D. 5380 NB 380
Internal Ph.D. Students Ing. Dominik Kavřík 5445 NB 429
Ing. Martin Konopásek 5445 NB 429
Ing. Petr Krautwurm 5445 NB 429
Ing. Jindřich Lacko 5445 NB 429
Ing. Jakub Neugebauer 5445 NB 429
Ing. Jan Rejthar 5445 NB 429
Ing. Vojtěch Vávra 5445 NB 429
Ing. Lukáš Veverka 5445 NB 429
External Ph.D. Students Ing. Lucie Dvořáčková
Ing. Jakub Hanousek

He graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business in Mathematical Methods in Economics (Ing.). In 2015 he received a Ph.D. degree in Econometrics and Operations Research at the Prague University of Economics and Business. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Econometrics at the Prague University of Economics and Business. He primarily deals with the questions of multiple criteria decision making, fuzzy optimization problems, and stochastic processes in the field of the capital market. He also teaches at Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, focused on mathematical economics and production systems.
Consulting hours

ČERNÝ MICHAL, prof. RNDr. Ing., Ph.D.
He works in the theory of mathematical methods of optimization, operations research, and analysis of economic and financial data, with special attention to computational aspects of the methods. He is an author/co-author of three monographs and a number of scientific papers. He is a member of the Czech Statistical Society and the Czech Society for Operations Research. He teaches courses in econometrics, mathematical modeling, and optimization.
Consulting hours

She studied the Mathematical Methods in Economy at the Prague University of Economics and Business. She earned Ph.D. degree in econometrics and operational research in 2013. Since 2008, she has been working at the Department of Econometrics at the Prague University of Economics and Business. Her professional interest lies in building econometric models and optimization of economic policy. She is the author of a number of scientific papers and contributions to conferences. Also teaches various courses in econometrics, mathematical modeling, optimization, and mathematical foundations of informatics.
Consulting hours

DLOUHÝ MARTIN, prof. Ing. Mgr., Dr. MSc.
He graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business in 1993, where he received a degree in operational research and econometrics. He also studied health policy and finance at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and London School of Economics (1995), and public and social policy at the School of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague (1996). He earned a Ph.D. degree in operational research and econometrics in 1998. Since 1993, he has been working at the Department of Econometrics at the Prague University of Economics and Business. The academic year 2003/2004 he spent at the University of California at Berkeley. His special interests are efficiency evaluation and an application of quantitative modelling in health services (technology assessment, cost analysis, capacity planning). He lectures on mathematical economics, game theory, and simulation.
Consulting hours

She studied specialization Mathematical Methods in Economics (Bachelor’s degree) and Econometrics and Operation Research (Master’s degree) at the Prague University of Economics and Business. In her diploma thesis, she focused on classification models for the purpose of predicting the insolvency of companies. She is an internal doctoral student at the Department of Econometrics since September 2020. Her professional interest is econometrics, machine learning methods, and text analytics.
Consulting hours

FÁBRY JAN, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
In 1993 he was graduated in Operational Research at the Prague University of Economics and Business and in 2006 he received his Ph.D. in Operational Research and Econometrics at VŠE. In 2015 he successfully completed the habilitation procedure in Econometrics and Operational Research at VŠE. In 1993-1996 he was a tutor at the department of econometrics at VŠE. In 1996 he joined the international corporation operating on the Czech and Slovak markets as a direct marketing publisher. His initial position was a database marketing analyst, later he was promoted to database marketing manager. Since 2002 he has been working at the department of econometrics at VŠE, initially as an assistant professor, later (since 2015) as an associate professor. Since 2006 he has been the secretary of the department. At VŠE, he is a supervisor of the Czech courses of Discrete Models (he leads both lectures and exercises), Mathematical Modelling (lectures), Case Studies in Operations Research, and of the English courses of Combinatorial Optimization (lectures and exercises), Operations Research (lectures). Further, he is a lecturer in the Czech course of Operations Research. In his professional activities, he is interested in Vehicle Routing Problems and the application of mathematical methods in logistics. Since 2002 he has been the secretary of the Czech Society for Operations Research.
Consulting hours

FIALA PETR, prof. RNDr. Ing., MBA, CSc.,
He graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business in Operations Research and Econometrics, in 1974; Charles University Prague in Mathematics, in 1981; and Rochester Institute of Technology in Business Administration, in 1996. He holds a Ph.D. and Full Professor Degrees from the Prague University of Economics and Business, a Doctor Degree in Theoretical Cybernetics and Mathematical Informatics from Charles University, and an MBA Degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Since 1973 he is a member of the Department of Econometrics at the Prague University of Economics and Business, where he currently works as the Deputy Head of the Department of Econometrics. He is a member of the faculty in other universities. His current research interests include multi-criteria and group decision making, network economics, production systems, supply chain management, revenue management, and project management. He is a member of professional societies for Operations Research and Multiple Criteria Decision Making and the Czech Republic representative in EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies). He is the leader of several research grants. He has been on study tours and conferences in many countries. He is the author or co-author of more than 20 books, 20 lecture notes, and 150 papers in journals and proceedings in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Consulting hours

FORMÁNEK TOMÁŠ, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Studied Econometrics and Operations Research at the Prague University of Economics and Business, and Ph.D. in Econometrics at the Prague University of Economics and Business. Teaches courses in econometrics (seminars). The author (or co-author) of various articles on applied econometrics and contributions to conferences.
Consulting hours

FRÝD LUKÁŠ, Mgr. Ing., Ph.D.
Lukas graduated from the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague in Process Engineering, from Prague University of Economics and Business in Financial engineering, and at Charles University, Economic theory. He got a Ph.D. degree in Econometrics and Operations Research at Prague University of Economics and Business. He primarily deals with applied econometrics and mathematical economics.
Consulting hours

He studied Quantitative Economic Analysis specialization Mathematical Methods in Economics (Bachelor´s degree) and specialization Econometrics and Operation Research (Master´s degree). He is an internal doctoral student at the Department of Econometrics since September 2018. In his dissertation deals with measuring inequalities in healthcare in regions of the Visegrad Group by using data envelopment analysis.
Consulting hours

In 2014 he graduated in Econometrics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University with a thesis on the Lasso and time series. In 2019 he received a Ph.D. degree in Econometrics and Operations Research at the Prague University of Economics and Business. In his thesis, he dealt with risk management using high-frequency data.
Consulting hours

He graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business in 1978 with a major in Mathematical Methods in Economics and received his Ph.D. at the Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Management in 1983. He finished the habilitation process in the field of Operations Research in 1994 and was appointed as Professor of Econometrics and Operations Research in 2003. Since 1980 he has worked at the Department of Econometrics, Prague University of Economics and Business and since 1999, he has been the head of this department. His professional focus is multi-criteria decision making, data envelopment analysis, optimization models, and software for mathematical modeling. At the time, he also gives lectures at the Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Kralove. He is a member of several international academic societies and a founding member of the Czech Society for Operations Research. He is a principal investigator of several research grants of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, and also several foreign projects. He is the author or co-author of four books, 15 textbooks, and more than 100 articles in journals and academic papers at conferences in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Consulting hours

He graduated in Economics (Ing.) at the Prague University of Economics and Business. In 2021 he became an internal PhD student at the Department of Econometrics. His professional interests include empirical monetary macroeconomics and monetary policy. His other professional interests include applied econometrics and data science.
Consulting hours

He graduated in Econometrics and Operations Research from the Prague University of Economics and Business (Ing.). He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Econometrics and Operations Research. In his master’s thesis, he focused on developing an estimation procedure for a complex econometric model using panel data, incorporating elements of spatial dependence and heterogeneity, temporal dynamics, endogenous regressors, and random parameters. As part of his doctoral studies, he continues this research and further explores theoretical econometrics, particularly focusing on parameter estimation methods and their properties.
Consulting hours

He graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business, majoring in Economics (Ing.). In February 2022, he became an internal doctoral student at the Department of Econometrics. He specializes in microeconomic theory, especially decision theory and preference theory. His other professional interests include game theory, game design and cognitive psychology. In his dissertation, he focuses on the interdisciplinary topic of Economics of stochastic Identity, in which he augments the basic economic model of consumer behaviour with multicriteria decision-making, stochastic elements and findings of cognitive psychology.
Consulting hours

She has got her degree at the Prague University of Economics and Business, at the branch of study Econometrics and Operational Research (1999). In 2009 she has finished her doctoral study at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Economics and Management). Since the year 2000, she has been working at the Department of Econometrics, since 2007 also at the Department of Economic Studies of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava (since 2012 as a Head of the Department). In teaching and research, she aids at the branches such as operational research, simulation modelling, Decision-making Theory, Project Management, and Microeconomics. She is a member of the Czech Society of Operational Research, she participates in the solving of the grants of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, she is the co-author of three books and the author of many scientific papers and contributions at conferences. She is interested in the usage and the interconnections of operational research, simulation methods, and methods of multi-criteria decision-making.
Consulting hours

Finished his Bachelor’s degree at Mendel University in Brno in the field of Business Management. In 2019 graduated master’s studies in IES FSV UK with a specialization in Finance, Banking, and Financial Markets.
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He graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague in Management and Economics of Transportation and Telecommunications. He received his PhD. from the Czech Technical University in Prague (2009). He continued his research as a postdoctoral research fellow at Université de Technologie de Troyes in France (2009 – 2011). He joined the department of econometrics as an Assistant Professor in 2012. His major research interest is combinatorial optimization and solution approaches to solve optimization problems on transportation networks.
Consulting hours

He graduated at the Prague University of Economics and Business with a major in Econometrics and Operations Research in 2022. Core of his diploma thesis was analysis of distribution of stock returns and application of genetic algorithm to Markowitz´s model. He is doctoral student at the Department of Econometrics Since 2022 where he continues to develop methods described in diploma thesis.
Consulting hours

PELIKÁN JAN, prof. RNDr., CSc.
He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague (1966). Since 1968 he has lectured at the Prague University of Economics and Business, at the Department of Econometrics. In 1975 he finished his dissertation for RNDr. degree (rerum naturalium doctor, app. M.Sc.) in the theory of optimization at Charles University. In the same year, he obtained the CSc. degree (Candidate of Science, app. Ph.D.) at the Prague University of Economics and Business. In 1989 he was appointed an assistant professor at the Department of Econometrics and in 2003 he was promoted to a professorship in the field of econometrics and operations research at the Department of Econometrics. He teaches courses in mathematical modeling, optimization, case studies, and mathematical foundations of informatics. His research interest is optimization models on logistics, discrete optimization.
Consulting hours

Obtained Ph.D. in 2015 at Prague University of Economics and Business, program Econometrics and Operations Research. His research is focused on various statistical and optimization methods, in particular on methods relying on discrete geometry or methods working with inexact or imprecise data. At the Department of Econometrics, he teaches courses Game theory and Operations research.
Consulting hours

He studied Economics (Bachelor’s degree) and (Master’s degree) at the Faculty of Economics at the Prague University of Economics and Business. In his Master‘s thesis, he studied prize distributions and their role as incentives in even and uneven esports tournaments. He is an internal doctoral student at the Department of Econometrics since September 2021. His professional interests consist primarily of econometrics and game theory and their use in the study of esports.
Consulting hours

In 2001 she finished the study at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, study the program Probability, mathematical statistics, and econometrics. Since 2001 she studied Ph.D. program at CERGE-EI (The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education of Charles University – the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), which focused on Labor economics and Microeconomics. In the years 2003–2008 she studied Ph.D. at Prague University of Economics and Business, Department of Econometrics and in 2008 she graduated in study program Econometrics and Operational Research. Since 2004 she teaches at the Department of Econometrics, Prague University of Economics and Business, focused on mathematical models, monocriterial and multicriterial optimizations, and econometrics models. She teaches also at Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, in Prague and Děčín, focused on probability, statistics, econometrics, and time series models. She participates in grant solutions and publishes at internal and international conferences.
Consulting hours

She graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business in 2008 with a major in Mathematical Methods in Economics. In 2015 she received her Ph.D. in Econometrics and Operational Research at VŠE. She is a lecturer at the Department of Econometrics. She teaches operations research and linear programming. She deals with real-world applications of operations research with a focus on methods based on goal programming.
Consulting hours

He graduated from the University of Economics in Prague, majoring in Econometrics and Operations Research (Ing.). In 2020, he received his Ph.D. in Econometrics and Operational Research from the University of Economics in Prague. His dissertation dealt with the analysis of transactional data using clustering techniques. He focuses on mathematical and statistical methods in the analysis of economic and transactional data.
Consulting hours

In 2015, she graduated with an MSC in Econometrics and Operations Research from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, and one year later, she received her Ing. in Econometrics and Operations Research from Prague University of Economics and Business. In 2021, she obtained her Ph.D. in the same field from the Prague University of Economics and Business. She teaches courses in the fields of econometrics (Introductory Econometrics, Econometrics, Advanced Econometrics 2, among others). Her academic interests include time-series models. She mainly focuses on dynamic conditional score models, also known as generalized autoregressive score models.
Consulting hours

He studied at the Prague University of Economics and Business, Bachelor’s specialization Mathematical methods in economy (2020), Master’s specialization Econometrics and Operation Research (2022, Ing.). Since 2022, he has been working as a doctoral student at the Department of Econometrics. He wrote final theses from field of transportation problems and he specializes in metaheuristic solutions, which he is dealing with in dissertation.
Consulting hours

He graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business in Econometrics and Operation Research and in January 2021 started his Ph.D. studies as an internal doctoral student at the Department of Econometrics. He is focused on the estimation of non-linear dependencies in time series and some machine learning methods which are bound to computer science.
Consulting hours

ZOUHAR JAN, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Graduated with a Bc. in mathematics from Charles University, Prague, and received his Ing. and Ph.D. in mathematical methods in economics from the Prague University of Economics and Business. In 2009, he became a full-time member of the Department of Econometrics at UEP, where he works as an assistant professor at the time. Zouhar teaches courses in the fields of econometrics (Stochastic Models, Introductory Econometrics, Econometrics) and game theory (Games and Decisions). His academic interests include industrial organization of supply chains, and applied econometrics and statistics; he has published scholarly papers in Central European Journal of Operations Research, Politická ekonomie, Journal of Ornithology, Bird Study, and ZOO Biology, among others.
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Received her Ing. (an MSc equivalent) in Mathematical Methods in Economics from the Prague University of Economics and Business. Her professional interests include the methodology for public tender requests and evaluations, and the application of OR techniques in algae growth optimization.
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ZÝKOVÁ PETRA, Ing., Bc., Ph.D.
She graduated bachelor studies from Mathematical Methods in Economics at the Prague University of Economics and Business and from Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering and Management at Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Czech Technical University in Prague. After that, she graduated master studies from Econometrics and Operations Research at the Prague University of Economics and Business. She received her PhD in Econometrics and Operations Research from the Prague University of Economics and Business. In her dissertation, she focused on dynamic models of data envelopment analysis. She is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Econometrics. She teaches courses in Operations Research and Quantitative Management.
Consulting hours